Contoh Daftar Riwayat Hidup Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Hallo sobat semua kali ini saya akan memberikan beberapa contoh daftar riwayat hidup yang bisa anda jadikan refrensi dalam membuatnya. Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah memberikan contoh daftar riwayat hidup tapi dalam bahasa indonesia, nah sekarang saya akan berikan dalam versi bahasa inggris.
Contoh 1
Personal Details
Name : Gede Adi putraAddress : Jl Raya Padonan Gg Melati No ! Tibubeneng
Mobile Phone : 085739665440
Place, Date of Birth : Singaraja, October 08,1990
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Married
Religion : Hindu
Nationality : Indonesia
Education Details
1996 - 2002 State Elementary School 1 Sukasada2002 - 2005 State Junior High School 2 Sukasada
2005 - 2008 State Senior High School Thomas Aquino tangeb
Course and Job Experience
2009 - 2012 on the LIA English Course
2010 - 2011 on the AMIK Master Computer Course
2010 - 2012 worked as the supervisor at The Semaya Hotel
Sincerely yours,
Gede Adi Putra
Contoh 2
Personal Details
Name : Wahyu putraAddress : Jl Raya Sideman No 2 Denpasar
Mobile Phone : 085739665440
Place, Date of Birth : Denpasar, October 09,1990
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Married
Religion : Hindu
Nationality : Indonesia
FORMAL EDUCATION1996 - 2002 State Elementary School 1 Denpasar
2002 - 2005 State Junior High School 2 Denpasar
2005 - 2008 State Senior High School 5 Saraswati
2008 - 2012 UNUD University,Faculty of Economics, Management of Accounting Department.
Seminar to be a businessman at UNUD,2010
Entrepeneur Seminar at Hotel Aston, 2011
Member of Creativity and Financial Support At UNUD University ,2011-2012
Member of Culture and Sport Department of BEM FKIP ,2011-2012
Assistant of Laboratory English Education Department ,2013-2014
Teacher staff in SMP 2 Denpasar, 2014-…
Organization Skill and competences - Akuntan and Organizer.
Computer - Office Programs, Internet,
Language - English (active), Indonesia,
Personal Attitude - Strong motivation, work by plan, career oriented, Open person, willing to learn new things, quick learner, Sociable, loyal, communicative.
I guarantee that all information listed above are true, and all of documents are ready for evidence.
Denpasar,january 21,2017
Member of Creativity and Financial Support At UNUD University ,2011-2012
Member of Culture and Sport Department of BEM FKIP ,2011-2012
Assistant of Laboratory English Education Department ,2013-2014
Teacher staff in SMP 2 Denpasar, 2014-…
Organization Skill and competences - Akuntan and Organizer.
Computer - Office Programs, Internet,
Language - English (active), Indonesia,
Personal Attitude - Strong motivation, work by plan, career oriented, Open person, willing to learn new things, quick learner, Sociable, loyal, communicative.
I guarantee that all information listed above are true, and all of documents are ready for evidence.
Denpasar,january 21,2017
Gede Adi Putra
Nah itu dya beberapa contoh daftar riwayat hidup dalam bahasa inggris yang bisa saya berikan untuk sobat semua. semoga bermanfaat..
Nah itu dya beberapa contoh daftar riwayat hidup dalam bahasa inggris yang bisa saya berikan untuk sobat semua. semoga bermanfaat..